Welcome to Our Congregation
Congregation B'nai Torah is a Reform Congregation in East Contra Costa County providing a forum for worshiping God in the traditions of Reform Judaism. We seek to provide an environment that includes spiritual, educational, social and celebratory aspects of Jewish life and a strong sense of Jewish community. Individuals and families of all backgrounds are invited to join us in celebrating, studying, and worshiping as Jews.
We invite you and your family to join our family for Shabbat Services - contact us for our schedule of services. Deepen your connection by participating in our many activities, programs and services including holiday celebrations, social gatherings, religious education, b'nai mitzvah preparation, adult education, sisterhood, men's club and more. Interfaith and LGBTQ families are welcome.

About Our Congregation
Congregation B'nai Torah was founded in 1988. Rabbi Ira Book is our Rabbi Emeritus and joins us for services and Torah study several times each year. Student Rabbi Leo Fuchs, from Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles, will be leading High Holy Day Services and joining us for one weekend each month to lead services and teach various adult and children's education classes. B'nai Torah endorses the ideological principles of Reform Judaism, while conserving Jewish tradition in its practices. As a result, it offers its membership many enlightened differences that distinguish it from the conventional:
Religious and Hebrew School accommodates children from Kindergarten and up. Our approach includes both the family and our lay leaders who provide resources for at-home study. Youth are also invited and encouraged to participate in services.
Adult Education is offered to all adults. Bar and Bat Mitzvah preparation is available to students of B'nai Mitzvah age and up.
Diversity within the Congregation is one of our strongest assets. We have single members, married members, families with young children, grown children and no children, young people, senior citizens, mixed marriages, people who only come on holidays, and people that attend services every week. Interfaith and LGBTQ families are welcome. We are here to allow you to participate at whatever level best fits your needs.
Social activities enable members to expand their circle of friends, receive support, and celebrate together. Past events have included a Passover Seder, Shabbat Dinners, Purim Festival, Chanukah Party, our Annual Red Carpet Event, Valentine's Adult Social, Family Bowling Day, Popcorn and Movie Night, Family Pool Party, Family Barbecue, and more. Our Men's Club and Sisterhood meet monthly and also sponsor social events and fundraisers throughout the year.
Additional social activities that support fundraising efforts have included an Art Auction, Silent Auction, and Garage Sale.
Worship Services are held either Friday or Saturday. Please contact us for the latest days and times. Special services are held for many holidays and High Holy Days.
Temple Library includes a range of reference resources, biographies, novels, and children’s books; books are available for checkout to all members.

Congregation B'nai Torah holds Shabbat services a few times each month, as well as services/observances for all Jewish holidays through the year, including High Holidays (no tickets, donations welcome). Some of our services are lay-led, some are led by our Student Rabbi Yael Farber, and some are led by our Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Ira Book (above). Please contact us for the schedule of services.

What’s Coming Up
Whether you’re looking for a place to worship or are interested in getting involved with our growing community, our doors are open to all.
Contact us for more info and to receive our newsletter with a listing of upcoming events.
Become a Member
We encourage prospective members to attend services and other events to get to know our member families. If you are interested in membership, please contact us.

Member Site
Members of Congregation B’nai Torah have access to a password-protected website containing content and images intended just for members, including the Member Directory.
If you are a member and do not know the password for the Member Site, please contact us.

Congregation B'nai Torah
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors meets monthly. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please contact us for date/time and location information.
President – Denise Duran
Executive Vice-President – Michelle Guandalini
Secretary – Marilyn Tamura
Treasurer – Jamie Duran
Past President – Matt Cordova

Congregation B’nai Torah offers Judaic Studies and Hebrew Education classes to children ages pre-K through Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Classes focus on teaching prayer, holidays, ritual, music, customs, and Hebrew. Families are strongly encouraged to attend Shabbat services as well as Jewish Holiday services and celebrations. Contact us for more information.
Adult Classes
Adult education programming is often paired with Shabbat services. Topics vary and have included Torah study, Adult Hebrew classes, and discussion of contemporary Jewish issues. We also have congregant-led services each month; the goal of these services is to build knowledge and confidence in participating in services.